Sunday, March 22, 2009

New Season, New Name

Ah Spring, and the sap rises.  With it, new growth and thus a change in blog title.  Something a bit edgier?  With a bit more personality peeking through.

Chickweeds germinated as a blog title, fertilized by several sources. When I left my corporate job at Prudential (almost 10 years ago!) planning a switch to horticulture, a friend sent out invitations to a farewell party labeled "From Leading to Weeding." I love to weed.  Well, I should say, I love to weed in Spring.  It gets you up close to your soil, to emerging perennials and annuals.  

I found other affinities with Chickweeds, beyond the pun factor.  Stellaria media, is a European import, as are my people.  It is a cool weather annual, putting on most of its growth in spring and dying out in the dog days of summer, about when my enthusiasm for weeding flags. Chickweed is edible; so add it to salads though it may not be to everyone's taste.  Stellaria is from the Latin for 'star.' Based on its white flowers it is a small star indeed.  

So welcome to Chickweeds and Happy Spring.  I've imported the blog archive, but look for new posts here!

Vernally yours,
Marta McDowell
a.k.a. Chickweeds 

(Photo by Curtis Clark, source: wikicommons)


Vicki Lane said...

I adore chickweed. It pulls up easily; my chickens love to get great wads of it for snacking on; and we enjoy it in salads -- a slight beet-like flavor that tastes of Spring.

Marta McDowell said...

Vicki! Is that how it got the name "chickweed?"

Thanks so much for the Sisterhood Award. You touched my heart. And I'm glad you like chickweed too. A good omen for the new moniker. I like the latitude it gives. Sometimes declarative: Chick weeds. Sometimes directive: Chick! Weeds! Sometimes interrogative: Chick. Weeds? And sometimes just plain ol' chickweeds.

j. said...

Geez Marta, never figured you for a edgy-wannabee!

Kathleen said...

Congratulations on your spring renewal!

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